Caring for Braces

Brushing and Flossing

Maintain optimal oral hygiene throughout your orthodontic journey to ensure the health of your teeth and gums:

Regular brushing: Brush after every meal to remove food particles and plaque.
Flossing: Use threaders or orthodontic floss to clean between teeth and underwires.

Watch our instructional videos for expert tips on caring for your braces and keeping your smile healthy.


Eating with Braces

Adjusting your diet to braces-friendly foods is critical to protecting your orthodontic appliances. Start with softer foods initially and avoid these potential troublemakers:

  • Chewy: Bagels, taffy
  • Crunchy: Pretzels, hard taco shells
  • Sticky: Dried fruit, chewing gum
  • Hard: Corn chips, ice cubes
  • Bitey: Whole apples, raw carrots

Chewing hard objects like pens or pencils can damage your braces, potentially extending your treatment time.

Rubber Band Compliance

Consistency in wearing rubber bands as prescribed is crucial for effective treatment outcomes. Adhering to the instructions helps maintain treatment efficiency and may shorten overall treatment duration.

Dealing with Loose Wires

Occasionally, wires or bands may become loose. Follow these steps to address the issue:

  • Relief: Apply wax or wet cotton to soothe any irritation.
  • Contact our office promptly for adjustments and repairs if needed.

Managing Discomfort

After getting braces, you may experience initial soreness and sensitivity for a few days. Take steps to manage discomfort:

  • Pain relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol can help.
  • Irritation: Lips, cheeks, and tongue may need time to adjust; our provided soothing wax can ease irritation.

Sports and Activities

Are you active in sports or other physical activities? Let us know! We offer customized mouthguards designed to protect your braces during rigorous activities. Stay active while ensuring the safety and longevity of your orthodontic treatment.