Emergency Care

At Sullivant Dentistry, we understand that dental emergencies, such as toothaches or broken teeth, can be painful and embarrassing. We strive to provide timely assistance during normal business hours. Please call us as soon as possible, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Handling Dental Emergencies

Here are some tips to help manage common dental issues until you can visit our office.

Occasionally, patients may experience mouth injuries. Dental emergencies typically fall into two categories:

Direct Injuries

If you injure your mouth or teeth, immediately apply ice to the injured area and contact us promptly. Your dentist may need to take an x-ray to assess the extent of the injury.

If a tooth is displaced, knocked out, or fractured, it’s best to contact us first, as we have the necessary materials and anesthesia for initial treatment. If your dental appliances are dislodged or damaged, we will need to replace or adjust them after you’ve seen your dentist, depending on your comfort level.

Broken Dental Appliances

Sometimes, dental appliances may break or become bent. If you notice any disturbances, such as loose bands, brackets, broken wires, or wires that are poking, please call our office during patient hours for an appointment. While we strive to provide comprehensive dental care, certain issues related to orthodontic appliances may be better-addressed b

Tips for Temporary Relief:

  • If a tie wire irritates your mouth, cover it with beeswax or sugarless chewing gum, or tuck it under the arch wire with a blunt object like a pencil eraser or Q-tip.
  • A loose band or bracket can usually remain in place until your appointment with an orthodontist. 
  • A broken or poking archwire can often be adjusted temporarily with a pencil eraser or cut with nail clippers. 

After Office Hours

If you experience a dental emergency outside of our regular hours and are in pain, don’t hesitate to contact our office at (870) 425-4242 and follow the instructions to leave an Emergency Message. This will send a voicemail to Dr. Sullivant’s cell phone, and he will contact you as soon as possible to assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.