Kids Dentistry

Here are some “First Visit” tips:

  • Start with teeth cleaning to let them see the office and meet the dentist/hygienist
  • Read books about going to the dentist with them.
  • Review with them what the dentist will be doing at the time of the first visit.
  • Speak positively about your own dental experiences.


In some cases a filling may be required for a baby or adult tooth, if this is the case your child will require some local anesthetic (a numbing injection). This will help your child to be comfortable while the cavity is removed from their tooth. At Sullivant Dentistry, we only use tooth-colored filling material (resin composites) on children.

Stainless Steel Crowns

These are also a great option for young patients, especially when the cavity is moderate/large. They have a high success rate of lasting until the tooth naturally falls out. The process is similar to getting new shoes: the right size is selected, and the crown is placed on the tooth with a special “glue.” just like new shoes, the crowns will need a little time for your child to get used to them.

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a liquid that can be used to treat tooth decay. It is a quick, simple, and effective way of slowing/stopping the progression of tooth decay when used as part of a wider tooth decay prevention strategy. SDF liquid is applied to the cavity on the tooth. It releases silver and fluoride ions over time, which act to slow/stop tooth decay. SDF should be used to prevent or stop tooth decay from getting worse. It should only be used on cavities that are not causing/have not caused your child any pain or infection in the past.

Extractions/Space Maintenance

In some cases, baby teeth are required for removal, whether that be from decay, infection, or delayed eruption of the permanent teeth. If a baby tooth is indicated for removal and the permanent tooth is not ready to erupt, sometimes we will place a space maintainer. This will help ensure the permanent tooth has adequate space to erupt in the ideal location.