Teeth Cleanings & Checkups

Personalized Care at Sullivant Dentistry

At Sullivant Dentistry, our team of skilled hygienists, who have transitioned from dental assistants, bring a unique perspective to your dental care. They deeply understand patient concerns, ensuring a comfortable experience with every visit. Their understanding and care are designed to make you feel at ease during your dental care journey.

Tailored Dental Care

We recognize that every patient’s oral health needs are unique. While traditional advice suggests a six-month interval for cleanings, we go beyond the norm.

Our approach involves educating and collaborating with you to figure out the best recall schedule for your dental health. This individualized approach is our way of showing how much we value your unique needs and concerns.

Cleaning Your Teeth

During your cleaning session, our hygienists:

  • Meticulously remove tartar from above and below the gum line.
  • Follow up with a thorough rinse using water.
  • Polish your teeth using a gentle, abrasive paste.
  • Conclude with meticulous flossing.

These steps leave your tooth surfaces smooth, making it harder for plaque to accumulate between visits. Based on individual requirements, additional X-rays or tests may be conducted.

Examining Your Teeth

After cleaning, Dr. John performs a comprehensive examination to detect any signs of decay. Using specialized tools like a metal probe and angled mirror, he checks for gum inflammation and measures gum depth, vital indicators of gum disease. After reviewing the x-rays and test results, Dr. John determines if further treatment or follow-up appointments are necessary.